Friday, December 10, 2010

I Dreamed My Grandma Last Night

         Last night I dreamed my grand ma! I saw it was Eidday. We all were so busy to decorate our house nicely. My mom was making Semai, Noodles, Vuna-Khichuri, Halim, Custerd and other types of delicious foods for the guests and also for us. While my sister and I finised decorating our house, my mom asked us to help her. My father and my three brothers ate their deserts and went to the mosque for praying Eid namaz. Meanwhile, My mom finished her cooking and asked us to take our shower. We three sisters took our showers one after one. Then we dressed very well and we put some make-up on our faces and made ourselves looking very pretty! When my father and my brothers came back from the mosque, my mom decorated the table with foods and we all set together to take our breakfast.
        Suddenly someone knocked the front door. My younger brother opened the door for the stranger. It was my grandma with her pretty smiling face. We jumped from the table to hug her. We saw that she also broght some gifts for us which were into her hands. We requested her to sit to take the breakfast with us. We were telling her that how much happy we were to see her on this very day!
         At this time, I woke up from sleeping. Then I told my mom what I dreamed. She told me, "I know, you  like your grandma so much. May be you thought about her before sleeping. That's why you dreamed about her."
          But I was still very happy to see her, even though it was my dream. I love you grand ma!

Friday, December 3, 2010

My First Thanksgiving Day

                On 11/25/10 I celebrate My first Thanksgiving day. I was so happy because we got five days vaccation for the Thanksgiving day. I got a lot of leisure time to play, to sleep.I had pretty fun during this break. Anyway, it was so good to taste different type of food that didn't taste ever. These foods are different from our Indian food. Most likely, Indian foods are spicy. I always like to eat spicy food! So that, first time I thought that Thanksgiving foods would be boaring without no spice on it! But I was completely wrong! These foods were great! I taste turkey, mass potato, makarony with chesse and other foods( I don't know their name) for the first time. Among all of these, I like the Turkey most!
              My younger uncle, Kibria Bhuiyan is the manager of Luby's. He brought these delicious food from there, the night before Thanksgiving day. He invited us at his house for the lunch.
                 All our relatives and cousins and all of my family members went there during lunch time. We all gossiped, joked at each other as we have seen us together  after a long time. We all eat together and had a lot of fun! We really had a great lunch with these unknown thanksgiving food!

Friday, November 19, 2010

My Weekend

                   My weekends are always the same. Watching televisions, doing homework, helping my mom, cleaning my bedroom, playing cards with my yonger brother and sister or reading story books. At first time , I liked the way what I have to do all over the weekend. Because when I was in Bangladesh, I didn't have that much time to play or opprtunity to read story books. If I want to read the story book I have to hide the book very cleverly. Because if my dad realized that  I was raeding sroty book, he would scolded me or bite me with a stick. It doesn't mean my father is cruel! All the parents thought that reading story book is wasting time, we can memorize our text book instead of reading story book, so that we can do  very  well in the examination!
                However,gradually it gets boar to me. Always doing the same thing seemed very monotonius to me. I started to thingking what can I do to get rid of these monotony works. Then a few days ago, my cousin named Nazmul suggested me that I can goo to the www. and play a game which can help me to learn new  english vocabulary words or it can help me with my science subjects. He told me it's fun game to play. He also suggested me that I can sing up in Face book by thye internet. Theose were a great idea to spend my leisure time. Now, I learned new things from and I like to chat with my in facebook! Now sometimes I chat with other people that I don't know. But the only problem is there are many false account in facebook, which can irritate you if you're not careful. But I also think it's a g way to know other people.


Friday, November 12, 2010

A Memorable Eid than Ever

            Mily is the youngestchild of her parents. She always wish to get what she wants at any cost. As the Ramadan goes, eid is knocking at the door. Every body is pretty exiting about eid shopping. One of her friend already bought her dresses for eid and some of her friends were started to plan how would they celebrate  their eid.
              " Dad, wher we'er going to shopping mall? Eid is coming"! Dad just moved his head a little. then mom said, "Honey, don't worry. We'll go next weekend." But Mily wasn't happy, she gasped. "I want a really beautiful dress, which would be the finest dress among all of my friends." Her parents know Mily's type. they just looked at each other.
              Two days later, they went to the shopping mall. Mily took a long period of time to chose her dress. " Honey, I know you liked it, but it's pertty expensive. You should know our condition. I already made the budget for this month. You have to chose another one. I'm extremely sorry." Mily looked so much disappointed. Her large eyes filled with water. After a while her mom said to her dad, " we shouldn't dissappoint her. This eid comes once a year. We'll redo our budget." Mily's dad wasn't very happy but he bought that dress for mily to make her feel good. Within five minutes, they stepped down into the 1st floor. Mily suddenly saw another dress which is pretty than her dress. then she told her parents to buy that dress too. her father stared at her. " We can't provide two expensive dresses for you!"   
              But it's mily! she didn't want to hear anything else. She cried the whole way. When they got home they saw somebody was sleeping  in the empty space which is infront of their house. Her father shouted to the strangers. There was an old woman and her two grand child. They were shiking and looked so scared.
Her mom asked them why they came here. The old woman answered them that they came from village in searching of livelihood. " Their parents are died", the old lady pointed to those two little girls.
             Mily felt very sorry for them. She thought herself, " how do they live without their parents? They don't even have foods, clothes!"
             Suddenly she realized that God give us a great gift when we born and it's our parents! They are like permanent shelter over us! She also realized that there are lot of people in the world who doesn't have food to eat, no home to live.
             She felt very regreat that she did one-two hours ago. She went to her mom and shouted," Mom! Dad! I don't need two dresses for Eid. I'll  share my other dresse with these two little girls. Eid is for every body to celebrate."


Friday, November 5, 2010

A Memorable Event

       This story is about my favorite teacher, Mr. Shaha. During that time, I was in Bangladesh and read in 8th grade.
       Mr. Shaha was a math teacher. He was very nice with us but we always feared about him. He had a husky voice and we usually didn't make noise in his class. One day, when he entered our class, he looked very upset. We didn't have that much courage to ask him what happened. After a while, when he finished checking our homework, some of my friends and I decided to ask him that why he was upset. Then we asked him very quietly with a little fear.
    But he was silent first time. We noticed that he looked like crying. After a moment of silent, he told us that it was the same day that when his father died in during he was fought against the Pakistani armies to gain our independence in 1971. He told us the whole story how his  father died. It was a terrible story but it was also about a brave fighter. " I proud of father, who sacrificed his  precious life to give an independent country to the new generation", said Mr Shaha.
   There are there millions of people sacrificed their lives in our independence war against Pakistan. We bowed our head with deep respect. We also feel proud for our brave freedom fighters who gave us a beautiful and an independent country in exchange of their lives.
      We congratulate Mr. Shara, as a son of a brave person and told him that, "It's a matter of proud, not to worry."


Friday, October 29, 2010

The effect that someone I admire can have on my life

         Someone that I can admire in my life is my grandma. She was the wisest woman I had ever seen in my life. She had a little education, but she was a very smart woman. She gave me lot of valuable advice, which are always helping me in almost every step in my life.
       Here, I can tell a story about my grandma. In 2006, we suffered so much by the seasonal flood. There was water everywhere in my house and it caused a great damage. When water started to enter our house, we didn't have any idea what should we do in that situation. As water was rising gradually, we were too much shocked to think. Then my grandma advised us to put some brick under all the big tables and also under our beds. When we did so, she said us to place all the small furniture over the tables.
      As we placed the bricks under our bed, it got upward.  That's why we don't have to think our sleeping at night. My mom brought some dry food from the shop, so we didn't have to worry about food too. It was really wonderful to have such an wise woman with us at time of the extreme danger.
      She was also a good company. I always liked to chat with her. She had a lot of great experiences. I think I learned a lot of things from her. She taught me how to make embroidered quilt and many wonderful stitches also. She always had a great sympathy for me when I felt bad. She was a great inspiration for me.
      December 27,2009 was the worst day in my life. I lost my loving grandma in that day. I miss her very much all the time.

     I think, I lost her forever, but she left a great affectionate touch in my mind. I'll never forget her.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A time that I Feel Proud of Myself

                    It was Tuesday, a busy school day as well. All the students were standing in front of the national flag in our daily assembly. Suddenly Shahed and Mithu came to the schoolyard and they were panting and they looked like crying. Then we heard such a unexpected news that one of our classmate, Romana was in a road accident. I felt like a big thunder fall down over my head. Romana was my very close friend.
                  After hearing that shocked news, our Headmaster dismissed our classes after 2nd period. Some of our teachers went to the accident place with those two boys. After one & half hour, Mr. Kader came back and told us that Romana and her cousin were coming to the school with a Rickshaw (one kind of vehicle). A big truck was coming with full speed from the opposite side. As it was running speedily, it didn't obey the traffic signal. That truck pushed their Rickshaw and they fall down. Then the truck went over them and it vanished quickly.
                  It is a big sorrow to say that her cousin were spot dead. Another rickshaw puller who watched that accident said to Mr. Kader, " Whole road wept with their blood. One girl was screaming loudly and another one turned into flesh with in a eye splash".
               Romana was seriously injured and the doctors were anxious about her that she might lose her one leg. They said that she need extra care to recover the injury. In Bangladesh we don't have any health insurance. Unfortunately, her father was very poor. It 's pretty difficult to manage her all medical bill for him.
               But at this point our headmaster made a wonderful decision. " Romana is not only your daughter, but also our's. Have courage; we're beside with you. We'll try to help our best."
              In our school office our teachers opened a charity box for her. Many parents came to our school everyday to help that poor father. We also felt responsibility for our friend. We started to save money for her. Every day we went our school office and put our savings in that box. We also arranged a parents and students conference to collect money for her.
               After a month when she came back to us I felt very proud of myself. We were abled to save her precious life. It's the meaning of  'human' to me who should always help each other.


Friday, September 24, 2010

The Strangest thing I Have Ever Seen

              When I was little, I was so noisy. I always liked to play with my younger brother's toys and always warned him not to tell  our parents. I always made a mess and horrified our family members.
One day my aunt came to our home with her newborn daughter. We all welcomed her warmley and  as thi was the first time she had come to our house after a long time. In the afternoon, my mom warned me not to make noise or sound, because the baby was sleeping. After a while I heard the baby crying. I went in the drawing room and I told my mom. My mom went  in that bedroom with me, where the baby was sleeping. But a strange thing happened, and I was not ready for it.It made me really very surprised, because there was no sound and the baby was sleeping quitely. My mom looked like I betrayed  her. Then she warned me again.
           After a few minutes I heard the baby crying again! As I was forbidden to go to that room alone, I went very close to the door. I was sure that the baby was crying. I decided to tell my mom. But I failed to tell her, because last time I seemed a liar!
        When I told my mom again that the baby was crying, my mom frowned at me.  I swore to her that I really heard  the baby was crying. We went to that bed room. Unexpectedly, there was no sound!!
         I was really very surprised. How was that possible? I felt like I was irritating her. My mom fretted at me. She asked me why was I lying. But I knew I was telling the truth. I was thinking,"why this strang thing happening to me? Why does the crying stop when my mom comes with me?"
        Then I told her to go inside the room. Suddenly we heard a crying sound. But the baby seemed like it was sleeping deeply. It was very strange we both were looking at each other. Then my mom told me search the whole room. We searched everywhere,but there was nothing. Suddenly we heard that sound again! Then I looked under the cot, because it seemed that the sound was coming under it.
      I was wondered, because  there was nothing but a kitten. When a kitten cries it sounds like a baby's crying. My mom and I both were laughing when we discovered the source of the crying!
      That the strangest but funny thing happened in my life.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My First Day at My First School in the USA

            After many ups and downs my family and I got our visas on the 16th of July, 2009. After about three months, my father bought tickets for the airplane for us. We arrived in the USA on November 1st, 2009.
            A few days later, my uncle told me that I had to go to school with my cousin, Shufi. He attended Eastside Memorial High School. That made me so uneasy, and I was so afraid about how the new school would be? What type of classes would I have to take? Would they be easy for me? Are the teachers nice with the students?  Am I going to have any friends in my new school?  All these thoughts made me kind of crazy.
          Anyway, on November 13th, I went to that school with my cousin. When we arrived at the school, I was looking at the people and I was trying to find somebody who would be the same ethnicity as me. But I didn't find anybody who looked like a Bengali. Everything was different from Bangladesh. However, Shufi introduced me to the principal and to all of the teachers. I was little bit nervous, but they welcomed me to their school and they were so nice. Some students came and said 'hello' to me. All these things made me very comfortable. I went to his classes as a visitor and I enjoyed them. The teachers were so nice and they were very friendly. I had a good day on my first day at Eastside Memorial High School.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Recent Book I have Read

          A few weeks ago I asked Jannat, my younger sister to check out Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows from the library. As I had already seen the first six Harry Potter movies, I was wondering what might happen to Harry and his friends at the end . I started to think about the rest of the story. I thought that Harry would defeat Voldemort or he would die as they both were great wizards. I hadn't seen the seventh part  named Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. I went to the library for the DVD of this movie. But the librarian said that they didn't have it. That's why I asked my younger sister to check out that book for me.
When I first saw that book I was surprised and thought to myself, "Oh my goodness!! It's a very big and thick book! How long will it take me to finish this book?" But I was wrong. It was an amazing book and I was excited with every  of it. It made me very curious to move quickly from one part to another part as I read thoroughly.
        Then, I began to understand gradually the reason that Professor Snape killed Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Howgwarts; how Dumbledore was a person in his real life. The great story of  "Three Brothers & Deathly Hallows" tells how Tom Riddle who was an excellent student  became Voldemort, as well as the magnificent sacrifice of Harry's mother. That was the main reason that Voldemort couldn't kill Harry that night when his parents died for him.
        I had great sympathy for Ron's family, because they lost George, Ron's brother. Ron lost two fingers, and Fred lost one ear. But I had great satisfaction about the defenses of Harry against Voldemort and it was a very good description of how Harry defeated Voldemort. I felt like I could see all the happenings in front of my eyes. The ending of the story also was very good and gave me the pleasure of having read a  very good book.

Friday, September 3, 2010

My favorite memory

         "Are we getting visas to come to the USA? Is that a dream or true?" my mom asked my brother. It was her first expression after hearing that we were getting visas on the 16th of July, 2009, to come to the USA.
         It was magnificent news for all of the members of our family. We were getting tired of going to the American embassy again and again. My uncle,  Frank Bhuiyan, who had lived in the U.S. for 29 years, applied for immigration visas for all of his brothers and sisters in 1991 to assure a better life for them. Fourteen years later, in 2006, my mom and her other brothers and sisters got their immigration papers.
         But the first time we applied,the American embassy didn't give us the visas. They were suspicious of us because there were so many candidates in my grandparents' family. We had to go the hospital for DNA tests and bone tests to prove ourselves.
          After many ups and downs, on the 16th of July, 2009, we got our visas from the American embassy. It was a great moment to remember, because after many expectations and hopes, we got our visas to come to our desired dreamland.
           However, we made lists and started shopping to buy the important things which could be useful for us in the new country. My father purchased the ticket and confirmed us that we'd come here on the 1st of November, 2009.
          It was wonderful, but also a sad moment for all of us. We had to say goodbye to all of our relatives and friends. We had to leave our loving country. We coudn't stop crying at that moment.
          Anyway, it was very exciting to get on an airplane for the first time. After fastening the seatbelt, the airplane started to jerk. After a while it started to move and all the trees and houses looked like little dots and the roads looked like  snakes. White clouds were playing around all over  the sky and I felt like I could touch them.
         We spent most of the time on the airplane sleeping. We also listened to music and watched the Hindi movie  named Kambakht Isq' & 'Aja Nacjale. I ate chicken nuggets for the first time. We flew above the Atlantic Ocean and after the journey of 33 hours we arrived in the USA. We saw my uncle and my aunt had come to the airport to receive us. We were so tired after a long journey but also very happy, because our dream had come true at last.