Friday, November 19, 2010

My Weekend

                   My weekends are always the same. Watching televisions, doing homework, helping my mom, cleaning my bedroom, playing cards with my yonger brother and sister or reading story books. At first time , I liked the way what I have to do all over the weekend. Because when I was in Bangladesh, I didn't have that much time to play or opprtunity to read story books. If I want to read the story book I have to hide the book very cleverly. Because if my dad realized that  I was raeding sroty book, he would scolded me or bite me with a stick. It doesn't mean my father is cruel! All the parents thought that reading story book is wasting time, we can memorize our text book instead of reading story book, so that we can do  very  well in the examination!
                However,gradually it gets boar to me. Always doing the same thing seemed very monotonius to me. I started to thingking what can I do to get rid of these monotony works. Then a few days ago, my cousin named Nazmul suggested me that I can goo to the www. and play a game which can help me to learn new  english vocabulary words or it can help me with my science subjects. He told me it's fun game to play. He also suggested me that I can sing up in Face book by thye internet. Theose were a great idea to spend my leisure time. Now, I learned new things from and I like to chat with my in facebook! Now sometimes I chat with other people that I don't know. But the only problem is there are many false account in facebook, which can irritate you if you're not careful. But I also think it's a g way to know other people.


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