Friday, January 28, 2011

My Cousin Shufi's girlfriend

                 Yesterday, in  my Latin class, a funny thing happened to my cousin shufi. It was so funny that I can't forget ever. Masfika , Shufi and I have this class together. So after finishing Mr. Blackwoods class I went for the Latin class. As we were going, a girl, Britney was coming towrd to shufi. But Shufie was pretty afraid about her. He ran to upstaires, so that Britney woudn't see shufi.
                  After a few minutes we all went to classs. Britney was hiding behind the door, she asked me to see whether Shufi is coming or not. After a few minutes I saw Shufi is coming! I told her to be ready. So, when Shufi reached to the door of our class, he was looking to the place, where's Britney usually sit. However, a Shufi entered the class Britney pull him to her and tried to hug him. But poor Shufi was screaming at us! The whole class was loughing. Then he shouted to Britney, " what do you want from me"?
"Your love honey", Britney said. " I have my wife and a baby also. Go away from me", Shufi requested her. Then Britney said, " I'll kill them, don't worry. Just love me!" It seemed the whole was enjoying their love story. We all clap for them, we wistled too!! then Britney went back to har sit.
                   Actually Britney doesn't like Shufi. As Shufi is very noughty and he told everybody that he is married to girl who is attending to Austin High. But it was not true at all. So, I and Masfika told Britney to give Shufi a headache. That's why she was trying to irritate him and played with him.
              Anyway, We really had a nice time to Britney's acting and Shufi's crying! It was pretty interesting!


Friday, January 21, 2011


               "This book is really awesome,Hazera. Love it", my sister praised. One of my friend Mitu gave me the bangle version of Dracula. It was so cool story. Then I told my sister about that book. My sister just frowned at me. Then she told me, "C'mon Hazera, you know very well that I don't like that kind of scary books , "It's scary, but pretty cool. I promise , you'll love this story", I said.
               Actually my sister doesn't like scary stories or movies. Because when she trying to sleep, she can't. She sees  all the frenetic, dangerous, wild creatures are coming to sleep with her, they  are loughing at her,  triyng to pull her hair. Even though she got sleep, she woke up at midnight, shouted and screamed like all those nightmare creatures are trying to bite her. And she makes us fell afraid too.
               Anyway, when I suggested  her to read Drucula, she refused. But my borther and I were so pleasent as we read a really wonderful book. Our over and over praising made my sister pretty curious about the book, Dracula. Then after a few days, she asked me to bring this book. As she read Dracula, she was getting pretty exiting. She asked me, "O Hazera, What happend to Luna at last? Did she got married to Arthur? Does Dracula turned Luna into a vampire?". "Oh, well, finish reading this book and you'll get your answers!" I said.
           The funny thing is after finishing reading Dracula, my sister was very pleasent. " It is really awsome. It's scary but it fulfill my heart", she said. But at night, I was sleeping, suddenly I heared a small sound. It seems somebody is criyng. I opened my eyes. Oh, God! it was my sister. She was calling me, because she really need to use the restroom, but she feels scared! " Please wait infront of the door, untill I return", my sister requested me!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Breaking Cultural Rules

            "I'll go to Bangladesh in coming July", my sister said, who is 20 years old now. "What the heck are you saying Moriom? Why do you need to go there"? my mom asked. Then my sister replied that she loves a boy, Arshad khan and she wanted to marry that boy. My mom looked like she just drank a bottle of bitter squash juice.
           Actually a few months ago, my younger sister & I started to discover that Moriom has a relationship with someone, because she take the only home phone in our house into her room and talk with someone when our parents are not at home! We were very suspicious about her. But we didn't tell anything to our parents. We didn't want to give them too much thinking to increase their headache.
           Anyway, in order to our culture, our parents always seek & select our spouse. We have to marry their selected person, whether we like it or not. It is one of the way to show respect to our parents. However, you can find  barely some kids who didn't obey their parents. It seems my sister Moriom is one of them!
           Now, my mom is pertty disappointed about her. No one have the courage in our house to tell this to my dad. He can do anything, when he is angry. We all are so afraid of him, he remains angry most of the time of a day. I think he'll be so disappointed too. Only God knows what is going to happen in next july!!


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Vacation

               I got about four weeks of vacation for the Christmas Eve. It wasn't so bad. I got a lot of leisure time to play, to read storybooks. I was very happy during this vacation; because I didn't have to get up very early in the morning, get ready for school. Another thing I was very glad about was I didn't have any homework to do!
              First few days I was sleeping a lot. I woke up about 9/10 o'clock. I really enjoyed those days. I played "City Ville" in face book all day long. It made me very happy to be at home during lunch . My mom always made some delicious Indian food every day for the lunch. But gradually I thought myself that I may need to do a little job to provide myself, so that I don't have to irritate my brother or sister for money for buying my personal stuff.
           So took my younger brother with me as my company and got out from home to find out a job. We went to north Lamar and I brought application from different shops. I also applied in online. But I didn't find a job yet!
            Anyway, as my family & I are Muslim, we don't celebrate christmas. But my mom is really a very interesting woman. She gave us money to shop for Christmas! We four brother and sister went to Kohl's, Ross, Old Navy and Wal-mart for shopping, three days before Christmas. It was really interesting. We had our lunch at McDonald's. We also bought Christmas cards for our friends and some gifts for our relatives.
             As Christmas went, I got bored to be at home.  I was pretty eager to come back to school. I wanted to meet with my friends, My teachers. In that time I really understood that how much I love my school!