Friday, January 14, 2011

Breaking Cultural Rules

            "I'll go to Bangladesh in coming July", my sister said, who is 20 years old now. "What the heck are you saying Moriom? Why do you need to go there"? my mom asked. Then my sister replied that she loves a boy, Arshad khan and she wanted to marry that boy. My mom looked like she just drank a bottle of bitter squash juice.
           Actually a few months ago, my younger sister & I started to discover that Moriom has a relationship with someone, because she take the only home phone in our house into her room and talk with someone when our parents are not at home! We were very suspicious about her. But we didn't tell anything to our parents. We didn't want to give them too much thinking to increase their headache.
           Anyway, in order to our culture, our parents always seek & select our spouse. We have to marry their selected person, whether we like it or not. It is one of the way to show respect to our parents. However, you can find  barely some kids who didn't obey their parents. It seems my sister Moriom is one of them!
           Now, my mom is pertty disappointed about her. No one have the courage in our house to tell this to my dad. He can do anything, when he is angry. We all are so afraid of him, he remains angry most of the time of a day. I think he'll be so disappointed too. Only God knows what is going to happen in next july!!


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