Friday, March 11, 2011

My Latin Test

                         Last Tuesday, on March 3rd, during the second period,I had to join to the national latin exam. It is the worst exam I had ever attened. It had 40 questions, but I knew only 5/6 answers, I had to guess the answers for the rest of the questions.
                         That exam contained about four questions about myth, 2 questions about Greek culture, about four/ five questions related to latin grammer, three quiestions about Roman History. There was also questions about geoghaphy. I only knew two answers which were about  greek culture, and geography. It was all of my fault, because I was never serious about my latin class. Our teacher Mr. Marshal is really very nice and he tried very hard to make us well prepared for the test.
                      Anyway, The test also had a latin story and we had to translate this story and answered some about 10 questions related to it. But I was still so happy! Because I had gym for the second period and I hated to be there. Wasn't it awesome? I could skip my gym class because of that test!
                      However, I'm feeling a little worry because I could have done better than that if payed attention in the class. In that class I always chated with Masfika, made noise with my cousin Shufi, used to sleep when Mr. Marshal taught us.
                 As I knew that all is my fault for doing bad in that test, I told myself to not to worry much, because this test is nor for grade and I said, " Keep going Hazera! Better luck next time".


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