Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Journey by Boat

                             A journey by boat in the river Hooghly is very pleasant. In some respects it is more pleasant than a train journey. So I had desire to make such a journey. I told some of my classmates about my plan. They also agreed to my proposal. Thus, one Sunday we resolved to go to the Botanical Gardens at Shibpur. We requested our English teacher to accompany us and be our guide. He consented very kindly. We all met at his house at noon. Then we started for the Chandpal Ghat near High Court. We reached the Ghat by tram.
                       It was the month of July. The river was full to the brim. We hired a boat. We were eight in number. We all knew how to swim. So there was no fear to go by boat. At half past one, we left the Chandpal Ghat. The current was in our favour, but the wind was against us. There were one helmsman and two oarsmen. They began to row the boat. Our boat began to go towards the south-west. When we were in the middle of the river, we saw many beautiful sights on both sides of the river. We saw many boats and steamers plying to and fro on the river. We saw many ships. They were lying at anchor. We saw the Howrah Bridge (Rabindra Setu) at some distance. A stream of people was seen moving along the bridge. We could see the rows of trees and the Fort on the eastern bank.
On the western bank we saw many mills. Ere long our boat reached the Shibpur Ghat. One of my friends thought that as we reached the Shibpur Ghat, the Botanical Gardens was not far off. But it is not so. I had an occasion to go to the Botanical Gardens once before. So I told him that it was far off from that place. The current was very strong. Our boat began to go very quickly. Soon we passed Shalimar. From here, the sight of Calcutta looked very beautiful. We could also see the beautiful buildings of the Head Office of the South-Eastern Railway at Garden Reach and many other sights. The sun was shining very brightly. So we were inside the cabin of the boat. But we could see everything through the windows. At about three the Botanical Gardens came in sight. We also saw the Engineering College at Shibpur. Within a short time we reached the Botanical Gardens.
On reaching there we were first of all to see the famous banyan tree. I have never seen such a big and old tree elsewhere. Then we saw many kinds of trees. We do not know the names of all of them. There are many beautiful groves in the Garden. Now and then we took rest there. It is a nice place for holding picnics. Many visitors come here for that purpose. When we finished seeing everything we went to visit the Engineering College. It is very close to the Gardens. We saw the college buildings, the workshop and the hostel Then we returned to the Gardens. We felt hungry and thirsty. We had sweets and drinking water with us. We made the best use of them.


A unforgettable time with my friends


                  Every day in our lives, we have to go through different events that we have to overcome through those. Some events are very good, but others give us many problems and never seem to leave.                   
                 I remember one day in my life in which I had many problems from which I did not know of any exits. It was about three years ago. I went to Comilla to my friends and spent a couple weeks with them. My friends lived in a big nice two-story house, and they had a big nice garden. Everything around their house was very nice. I really liked to spend my free time in that house with my friends. Many good days in my life related to this place and to these people, but there was also one very bad day in my life. Now, I want to describe just that day, which is an unforgettable day for me. It was about nine o’clock in the morning. Everyone was ready for breakfast except me. Suddenly, something happened. Everything started to move. It was a powerful earthquake. I felt like I forget to take breath. At this time all of us were screaming and shouting. We were searching of something to hold on.
                 Suddenly the electricity had gone and we heard the screaming was coming from the outside too. Everybody seemed like gone mad. Then Samantha's dad asked us in a hasky voice to drop down to take cover by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture. He also warned us to stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures or furniture.
              Althogh it was a small earthquack it made us scared for a while. It lasted for almost 15/20 seconds. But I couldn't forget one second of that horrible moment. It's like a nightmare!


                     A friend is someone who is honest and you can trust. A friend is someone who you hang out with a lot, and some one you rely on. Friendship is being there for someone when they need you, and to have a common bond to have the freedom of hanging out with each other and to be comfortable around each other. In my opinion,  the main ideas of friendship are honesty and trust, caring and having similarities.
Without honesty and trust friendship wouldn’t last very long. The definition of honesty is “quality and condition of being honest, integrity”. Friendship would be held up by honesty. Trust is another important thing that relates to honesty, your friends really need to trust you. Honesty and trust are very important but so is caring.
                      You need to care for your friends so the relationship will last. The definition for caring is to be concerned or interested for others. An example of care is being there when someone really need you like during a bad situation. You should also be supportive of your friends. The definition of support is to take sides with or to provide help. Even though caring is important so are similarities and similarities in interest.
Similarities in friendship will make the bond grow. The definition of similarities is the quality or condition of being alike, resemblance. An example of similarities is two friends liking the same kind of music. Similarities in interests are things like a couple of
friends liking the same thing like music, hobbies and many other things. It would help by making them want to do more things together.
Good friend will always use honesty and trust, caring and support, and similarities in interest if they want their friendship to last. Good friends never want say goodbye!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Calling from Atlanta

                   Last night my friend Sima called me from Atlanta at 7:30. "Hey! What's up? How are you? " she asked me. "Preety good!", I said. Then she told me to take a pen and to take a  paper of a note book. Then she told me to write some math problem and asked me to solve this. I was so surprised, becuase as far I knew she is not going to school. So why does she need to solve math problem?
                  Then I asked her. She told me that it's for her cousin. So, I told her I'll try to solve those problems for her, then I'll type and send her massage on facebook with the solutions of the problems. After half hours she called me again, but I was still stuggeling with those problems. Because I didn't take Pre-ap Algebra yet. But I did  solve those kinds of problems in my country.
                    Anyway, I solved one problem by myself  and told her that I would send the solutions in the next day. So in the next day, during the 2nd period I ask Mohammed if he could solve the other two problems, because he's taking Pre-ap Calculas and he colud be familiar with those problems. Then I got lucky there! Mohammed shows me the steps to how to solve those problems and relearn again!!!
                   It was  Friday. I took the pass from Ms. Ramirez and came to Mr. Blackwood's class and I sent a massage to her in the facebook containig the solutions of the those problems!!