Every day in our lives, we have to go through different events that we have to overcome through those. Some events are very good, but others give us many problems and never seem to leave.
I remember one day in my life in which I had many problems from which I did not know of any exits. It was about three years ago. I went to Comilla to my friends and spent a couple weeks with them. My friends lived in a big nice two-story house, and they had a big nice garden. Everything around their house was very nice. I really liked to spend my free time in that house with my friends. Many good days in my life related to this place and to these people, but there was also one very bad day in my life. Now, I want to describe just that day, which is an unforgettable day for me. It was about nine o’clock in the morning. Everyone was ready for breakfast except me. Suddenly, something happened. Everything started to move. It was a powerful earthquake. I felt like I forget to take breath. At this time all of us were screaming and shouting. We were searching of something to hold on.
Suddenly the electricity had gone and we heard the screaming was coming from the outside too. Everybody seemed like gone mad. Then Samantha's dad asked us in a hasky voice to drop down to take cover by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture. He also warned us to stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures or furniture.
Althogh it was a small earthquack it made us scared for a while. It lasted for almost 15/20 seconds. But I couldn't forget one second of that horrible moment. It's like a nightmare!
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